our site offers
the complete package
Thanks to our Site Services infrastructure, building your chemical plant at Evonik’s Mobile site may be more attractive than building a new plant on a greenfield site.

A Highly Skilled Workforce
Site selectors can take advantage of Evonik's world-class Operations & Maintenance abilities. By recruiting from top talent pools in the area, the Human Resources department at Evonik’s Mobile site is dedicated to maintaining a motivated and capable workforce.
The non-union workforce in Mobile is stable, with very low turnover and an average tenure of 13 years. Evonik’s HR department can assist in growing and training the workforce to help meet your company’s needs.

State and Local Support
The State of Alabama, the City of Mobile, and Mobile County all offer various forms of support, including incentives for businesses located at the Evonik Mobile site. Working in collaboration with the Mobile Chamber of Commerce, these organizations are involved in recruiting companies to the region. Contact the Mobile Chamber of Commerce to learn more.

Geographic Advantages
Evonik’s Mobile site, located adjacent to the Mobile Bay, will help support your production through its high performance workforce, transportation advantages, range of specialty chemicals, prime location in the U.S. Gulf Coast, land availability, and access to raw materials and markets.

Utilities Infrastructure
Our centralized utilities structure allows us to provide reliable supplies at advantaged prices to all of our customers. In addition, natural gas, steam, nitrogen, and electric power are provided to the site through extended agreements which position the site for long term growth.

Expedited Permitting
Evonik has added former EPA staff to its Environmental department in order to bring expertise to our team. These experts, combined with our consistent history of compliance, allow us to expedite the permitting process and ensure total compliance with all local, state, and federal regulations.

Want to learn more about building on our site?
Regional Business Development
+1 973 929-8000
299 Jefferson Road
Parsippany, NJ 07054

For questions about economic and other benefits of Mobile:
David Rodgers
Mobile Chamber of Commerce
+1 251 433-6951